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Parents see The Hunger Games with mixed feelings; here’s guide

When it comes to The Hunger Games, parents can get somewhat confused about letting their kids watch it. On the positive side of the movie, it has great characters and important messages. On the negative side, the movie series is dramatic and emotionally and psychologically demanding. Thus, you can use this Hunger Games parents guide to determine the relevance of the movie for your child. I will go over what you ought to expect, what is the content of the movie, and more. So, keep reading if you’re on the edge about letting your kids immerse themselves in this movie series.

Is the Hunger Games safe for kids?

Whether The Hunger Games is appropriate for your child all comes down to the child’s age and maturity. Do not take your kids to this movie unless they are teenagers because the movie is PG-13. It is bloody and violent with rebellion and political oppression as some of the themes presented.

It does not hide the gore reality of the story but also does not depict rather ill-mannered scenes. Many parents are not only worried about the content of the movie, but also the sentiment of the movie.
Moreover, children and preteen audiences might find the film upsetting because of lives being at risk. Teenagers can deal with the horror aspect of the film better if they are watched together with a guardian.

The Hunger Games

What parents might be concerned about

Of course, numerous parents may have several concerns about The Hunger Games. Although the film is not very gore, the movie speaks of certain issues that some children may find uncomfortable. Here are some of the primary concerns:

  • Violence and death: The plot of the movie is based on the battle to the death. Moreover, the main characters of the film are teenagers. Even though a lot of it happens off-camera, or is only threatened, it’s quite maternal and jarring to watch.
  • Dark themes: There are her attempts at oppression, struggle for survival, and sacrifice form the main themes of the story. One may consequently feel disturbed by watching a fictitious world in which children must kill or be killed.
  • Moral ambiguity: The characters are always put in a dilemma. Moreover, most of the time their choices are not black and white. This moral complexity can be quite hard to understand especially by young viewers of the show.
  • Emotional intensity: There are sentiments of both comedy and tragedy throughout the film. Specifically, some scenes have the potential to elicit rather profound feelings from the audience.

The Hunger Games parents guide

Age rating

The Hunger Games is a PG-13 movie. The rating stems from the acting, the action-packed movie, and the theme which is mostly considered for the mature audience. Though it isn’t as hostile as an R-rated picture, still it has a ton of gore. So, if you’re dealing with some pre-teens, keep them away from The Hunger Games.

Content warnings

When considering The Hunger Games, here are the key content areas parents should be aware of:

  • Violence and Scariness: This work illustrates scenes of battle and mortar, creating a general feeling of suspense and danger. There are no particular scenes with blood and gore. However, the violent acts are the main focus of the movie, and the purging of several characters might be graphic.
  • Sex, Romance, and Nudity: There are rather a few tender love scenes. But, they do not dominate the scene and each is tastefully done. No nudity is present.

Mature themes or topics

To the audiences’ surprise, The Hunger Games explores themes that are darker than what one would expect. These include:

  • Power and Oppression: The movie was centered on addressing issues of despotism and repression.
  • Survival: The characters are in a situation where they have to die or do wrong things. This, of course, will make people think about such things as morality and people’s reaction to danger.
  • Rebellion: Sticking a middle finger to an oppressive authority is key to the story.

Positive message

The protagonist, Katniss Everdeen, shows courage, loyalty, and selflessness as the leading characteristics of her personality. They called her a fighter since she always fought for her rights no matter the cost of her life. They are necessary to face the hard times and fight the oppressors. So, the film is not only an action one but a movie that shows the values of kindness as well.

Educational value

Of course, discussions regarding history, politics, and sociology are brought forward with the help of The Hunger Games. It forms the basis for a discussion of the regimes of totalitarianism, propaganda, and effects of violence. However, though not in a historical context, these themes bring the chance for the viewers to gain a better insight.


On the issue of consumerism, the film is only moderately critical. The contrast between the opulence of the Capitol and the hunger of the districts could be considered a commentary on the extravagance of the Capitol’s elite.

Diversity representation

On this matter, the film does a areasonable job of portraying the struggle between the aristocracy and the oppressed majority. But, there could have been a lot more done about the diversity issue.

Overall tone and intensity

The general mood in The Hunger Games is serious and concise. The conflict is present right from the start and never disappears leaving the audience with constantly rising tension. Of course, there are moments of hope and optimism in it. Still, the overall setting of the movie portrays a real dystopian environment.

Specific scene descriptions

The first scene in The Cornucopia where several members are killed almost immediately can be considered vulgar by young audiences. Besides, there are some brief scenes of melancholy, like characters crying over friends who died. These are dramatic and could cause viewers emotional stir. These scenes are likely to stick with a kid for years.

Why is Hunger Games PG-13?

The Hunger Games has been rated as PG-13 mainly because of the realistic depiction of violence, the thematic content, and the heavy drama. Although the movie does not depict very violent scenes, some instances depict the deadly game. Age rating is a kind of warning for the parents stating that the film can be too violent for children under the age of 13.

Is The Hunger Games worth watching?

So from a parent’s point of view, The Hunger Games is watchable but with some considerations. In my point of view, the movie is excellent. The tension and desire make a film unusual and this movie has them all, not to mention great actors and an astonishing plot.
In case your child is capable of handling the themes and intensity of the movie, then The Hunger Games is a decent series. On the positive side, it can pave the way to needed discussions on society, morality, and suitable action.

Why are The Hunger Games so popular?

The reason for The Hunger Games’ success lies in the combination of adventure and drama as well as social relevance. The realities of the movie’s social setting are not unrealistic, and as such, viewers are pulled into the story. Serialization of rebellion, survival, and the fight against injustice is the thing that interests people the most.

There is also a very beautiful cast which is another point that contributed to the success of the movie. Many fans can learn from Katniss Everdeen who is a strong and relatable heroine.

What is the story of The Hunger Games?

The main setting of The Hunger Games is a Futuristic dystopian Panem country which is divided into 12 districts. Within these districts, the Capitol is shown to be superior and coercive. Each year, the Capitol requires each district to present one boy and one girl. These are referred to as “tributes” to partake in Hunger Games. This is a show where the children are pushed to fight till death is witnessed.
The Games are a cautionary measure by the Capitol as a daily reminder of its dominance over the districts. When the District 12 poor girl Prim is chosen as a tribute, the strong and fearless Katniss volunteers to take her sister’s place.

Peeta Mellark is a fellow tribute, a boy from her district. They enter the arena and have to fight till the end to remain alive. When the Games start, Katniss sees herself as a symbol of hope and fights against the Capitol.

What is the main point of Hunger Games?

The main concern of The Hunger Games is to expose the potential harm of extreme authority. When power goes unchecked and presents the possibility of people’s strength to rebel and fight against tyranny. The story raises the issues of the ethical choices of a person in certain circumstances. It also underscores the need to struggle for the truth and evidence regardless of the odds.

Is Hunger Games clean?

Overall, The Hunger Games does not contain much raw language or other sorts of sexual content. The romantic theme is kept to a certain level, with no scenes that involve naked characters or excessive sex appeal. But scarcely does the film have harsh scenes, comparable to the gore reality mentioned above. Still, you can consider Hunger Games as clean as long as your kid is above 13.

What is the correct order of The Hunger Games movies?

The correct order to watch The Hunger Games movies is:

1. The Hunger Games
2. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.
3. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1
4. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2
5. The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds& Snakes

Tips on watching The Hunger Games for family

Parent recommendations

Concerning The Hunger Games, as parents, you should not let children watch it because they are in some cases violent. Take some time to think about the age of your child and how he/she can perceive the film’s problematic scenes. However, if you decide to watch this film with your child you should do it to explain the main motives. Make sure to question your child about their views towards the aspects of power, survival, and morality.

Potential discussion topics

  • The consequences of power: Explain how the Capitol controls the districts and describe the effect of this power.
  • Moral dilemmas: Describe choices that are available for Katniss and compare them to real-life scenarios.
  • Survival vs. Humanity: Look at the conflict between the characters’ animal instinct to survive and the human need to remain civilized.

If you suspect that your child might try to watch The Hunger Games without your supervision, you can rely on tools like FlashGet Kids to restrict them. This is the best parental control app that can assist parents in monitoring apps and games on a child’s phone. Besides these features, FlashGet Kids provides movie guides and app reviews. These details ensure that you’re always equipped to best take care of your pre-teens.

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Is The Hunger Games disturbing?

Indeed, there is a lot of bloodshed and some other rebellious and rather sinister elements that can be associated with The Hunger Games. It portrays a world where children kill other children and the scene can be very disturbing.

Is The Hunger Games scary?

It is not a Horror movie, however it can contain certain scenes of horror with a lot of jumpscares and always an element of risk. It is highly likely for young audiences to develop some level of stress when watching it.

Is Hunger Games family-friendly?

Unfortunately, The Hunger Games does not constitute a family film since its themes are violent and several in content, and its age target is older. Still, you can watch it if your kids are in their late teens.

Are there 4 or 5 Hunger Games movies?

The Hunger Games franchise includes four films that adapt to the movie and the four-book series. However, a fifth movie, The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes is considered to be a prequel that further develops the concept.

Kidcaring, Chief Writer in FlashGet Kids.
She is dedicated to shaping parental control in the digital world. She is an experienced expert in the parenting industry and has engaged in reporting and writing different parental control apps. For the past five years, she has provided additional parental guides for the family and has contributed to changing parenting methods.

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