Effective Date: [2023-08-16]
We are committed to fostering a robust digital advertising ecosystem- that is reliable, transparent, and beneficial to users, advertisers, and publishers. The aim of these policies is to assist advertisers in creating campaigns on our platform that align with our listed advertising policies.
These policies are designed to ensure a safe and positive experience for our users and to comply with relevant laws. This implies that our policies prohibit content that could harm users and the overall advertising ecosystem.
We aim for users to have a positive experience when they interact with an ad. Hence, ad forms and destinations must provide unique value to users and be functional, practical, and easy to navigate.
We employ a mix of AI and manual reviews to ensure the proper enforcement of our policies. Beyond reviewing individual ads, we also monitor and investigate advertiser behavior and may impose restrictions on advertiser accounts that infringe on our advertising policies. Our review process may not catch all policy violations, so ads remain subject to review and re-review and may be rejected at any time for policy violations. Advertisers are accountable for understanding and adhering to our policies as detailed in this document, all local laws and regulations, and self-regulatory ad posting guidelines, if applicable. If an ad is disapproved, advertisers will generally be given the chance to modify the ad to comply with our policies and may also request a review if they believe the ad was disapproved mistakenly.
Advertisements must not contain, advocate or promote products, services, or activities that are illegal, unlawful or unacceptable to our users.
FlashGet prohibits advertisements from containing content that third-party verifiers have debunked. Advertisers who repeatedly post information that has been determined to be false may be limited in their ability to advertise through FlashGet technology.
Advertisements must not engage in or promote discrimination based on personal characteristics such as race, ethnicity, color, national origin, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, family status, disability, medical or genetic condition.
FlashGet forbids advertisers from participating in discriminatory practices when utilizing our advertising products. This means advertisers cannot
(1) use our audience selection tools to (a) wrongly target advertisements to specific groups of people, or (b) unjustly exclude advertisements from being viewed by specific groups of people; and
(2) incorporate discriminatory content within their advertisements. Advertisers are also required to comply with relevant laws prohibiting discrimination. This includes laws that prevent advertisers posting advertisements for housing, jobs, and credit from discriminating against specific groups of people.
Advertisements must not contain content that claims that a person or class of persons poses a threat to the physical safety, health or survival of others based on characteristics such as race, ethnicity, national origin, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, caste, biological sex, gender, gender identity, serious illness, disability or immigration status.
Advertisements must not promote goods, services, programs or opportunities that are deceptive or misleading (including those intended to defraud users of their money or personal information).
Advertisements must not include content that exploits a crisis or controversial event for commercial purposes.
Advertisements must not promote financial products and services commonly associated with misleading or deceptive promotions.
Ads may not promote goods or services intended to help users engage in cheating or deceptive behavior.
Advertising images must not depict non-existent functionality. This includes images that mimic play buttons, notifications, or checkboxes, as well as ads that contain ineffective functionality, such as an ad creative that includes multiple options that do not work.
Advertisements may not contain promises or recommendations of unrealistic results regarding health, weight loss, or economic opportunities, as described below.
Ads may not use improper means to circumvent our ad review process intentionally. This includes attempting to use technical means to disguise ad content or targeted location pages (landing pages). See other advertiser behaviors we prohibit here.
Advertisements must not contain spyware, malware or any software that causes an unexpected or deceptive experience.
Content that may negatively impact the health and safety of users.
Ads may not promote the sale or use of drugs that FlashGet unilaterally identifies as prohibited or recreational, as well as other unsafe substances, products, or supplements.
Ads may not promote the sale or use of weapons, ammunition, or explosives, including the promotion of weapon modification kits.
Ads may not promote the sale or use of tobacco or nicotine products and related paraphernalia. Ads may not promote inhalation devices such as electronic cigarettes, electronic neutralizers, or any other product that simulates smoking or is intended to be used with tobacco or nicotine products.
Ads must not contain adult content. This includes nudity, depictions of sexually explicit or suggestive poses, or behavior that is excessively sexually suggestive or provocative.
Ads that claim or imply dating opportunities, the ability to connect with others, or the ability to view content created by others must not be sexually explicit or intentionally sexualize the characters highlighted in them.
Ads may not promote or advertise the use of adult products or services. Advertisements promoting sexual and reproductive health products or services, such as contraceptives and family planning, must be suitable for underage groups and not emphasize sexual pleasure.
Advertisements that promote or reference alcohol products must adhere to all relevant local laws, and compulsory or established industry codes, guidelines, licenses, and approvals. They must also employ age and country/region targeting conditions that align with FlashGet’s targeting requirements and applicable local laws. Please be aware that, based on local laws, our policy may prohibit ads from promoting or referencing alcohol products in certain countries.
Advertisements must not contain indecent language or incorrect grammar and punctuation. Symbols, numbers and letters must be used in a standardized manner and must not intentionally circumvent our ad review process or other policy enforcement requirements.
Ads must not direct users to externally targeted locations (landing pages) that have an unexpected or disruptive experience. Such experiences include misleading ad targeting (e.g., overly hype headlines or prompts that entice users to interact with the ad against their will) and directing users to landing pages that contain very little original content and mostly irrelevant or low-quality ad content.
Ads must not contain content that explicitly or implicitly characterizes individuals. This includes directly or indirectly stating or implying a person’s race, ethnicity, religion, beliefs, age, sexual orientation or behavior, gender identity, disability, physical or mental health condition (including mental state), economically disadvantaged group, voting status, trade union membership, criminal record or name.
Internet gaming and gambling, as defined by FlashGet, means any product or service that requires the offer of something of monetary value to participate and rewards a product or service with monetary value. Advertisements promoting online gaming and gambling require our prior written permission to be placed. Authorized advertisers must comply with all applicable laws and add targeting conditions that meet FlashGet’s targeting requirements. As a minimum, ads may not target users under 18.
Content that infringes or damages the intellectual property rights of a third party or FlashGet. Advertisements must not contain content that infringes or violates the intellectual property rights of any third party, including copyrights, trademark rights or other legal rights. Infringement includes, but is not limited to, the promotion or sale of counterfeit products, such as products with stolen trademarks (names or logos) or imitations that mimic the functionality of genuine products.
Advertisers may not use the targeting options to discriminate against, harass, incite, or stigmatize users or engage in predatory advertising practices.
Advertisers may not target minors or induce or encourage them to engage in unlawful behavior or excessive spending, and we shall make every effort to ensure that the content of our advertisements is in line with good ethical standards and guides the correct values.
Ads must clearly reflect the company, product, service or brand being promoted.
All ad elements, including any text, images or other media material, must be relevant to the product or service being offered.
The products and services promoted in the ad must be consistent with what is advertised on the corresponding landing page.
Ads promoting branded content must follow FlashGet’s policies to mark the third-party product, brand, or business partner being promoted. Branded content in an ad is defined as content published by a creator or publisher in exchange for value to promote or operate under a business partner. When promoting the Branded Content Integration Tool, advertisers must use the Branded Content Tool (click here for more information on how to tag promoted third-party products, brands or business partners).
Ensure that all advertising data collected, obtained or derived through FlashGet Advertising (“FlashGet Advertising Data”) is only shared with those acting on your behalf, such as service providers. Advertisers are responsible for ensuring that your service providers handle any FlashGet Advertising Data or any information obtained through us with care, limit their use of all such information, and maintain the confidentiality and security of such data.
Advertisers are not permitted to use FlashGet Advertising Data for any purpose, including remarketing, combining advertising data from multiple advertisers, or attaching or retargeting other content using tags, except in an aggregated and anonymized form (subject to FlashGet’s authorization) and solely for the purpose of evaluating the performance and effectiveness of FlashGet Advertising.
Advertisers may not use FlashGet Advertising Data (including the targeting conditions of advertisements) to construct, supplement, modify, influence, or expand a user’s profile, including a profile associated with any mobile device identifier or other unique identifier that identifies a specific user, browser, computer, or device.
No FlashGet Advertising Data (including anonymized, aggregated, or derived data) may be transferred to any ad network, ad exchange platform, data broker, or other advertising or property-related service.
Our advertising policy aims to create a fair and transparent advertising environment so that a trusting relationship can be established between advertisers and users. We require that all advertising content meets the guidelines of these policies, including but not limited to: it must be legal, not misleading, respect users’ privacy, comply with all relevant advertising laws and industry guidelines, and not contain any harmful or inappropriate content.
Advertisers are responsible for understanding and complying with our policy. If there is any violation of our advertising policy, we will take appropriate action, including but not limited to warning, suspension or termination of the advertising campaign, or even disqualification of the advertiser.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding, and we look forward to building a safe, positive, and fair advertising environment on our platform.
If an advertiser believes that an advertisement, advertisement account, user account, public homepage or business account has not been reviewed, restricted or banned by mistake, you may contact us at help@flashget.com.
Advertisers are responsible for knowing and complying with all applicable laws and regulations. Violations may result in a range of consequences, including cancellation of the ads you have placed and deactivation of your account.
We do not use sensitive personal data for ad targeting. Ensure that the topics you choose for ad targeting do not involve sensitive data of FlashGet users.
Advertisements are public information when published. Ads may be redistributed and viewed outside of the target audience, including from the FlashGet public homepage where the ad is placed, or within FlashGet products. If users interact with your Ads, they may remain within the FlashGet Products (e.g., they remain viewable after they are shared, unless deleted, or they may be viewable in their own account tools).
If you manage ads on behalf of other advertisers, each advertiser or client must be managed by a separate ad account. You may not change the Advertiser or Client associated with an established Advertising Account; please set up a new account. You are responsible for ensuring that each Advertiser complies with this Advertising Policies.
As set forth in our Community Code, you may not sell, rent, buy, or exchange site privileges (e.g., administrative privileges) that are attributable to you or to assets managed by you. In addition, helping anyone to circumvent or evade enforcement of our policies or terms of service is prohibited.
We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to refuse, approve, or remove any advertisement for any reason, including advertisements that negatively impact our relationship with our users and advertisements that promote content, services, or activities that are detrimental to our competitive position, interests, or advertising philosophy.
FlashGet may disclose the content of your advertisements, and all information related thereto, to governmental entities or agencies if FlashGet believes that disclosure would assist in a legitimate investigation.
Where policies require prior written permission, FlashGet may grant such permission.
These policies are subject to change at any time without notice.
If you have questions about our policies, let us know:help@flashget.com.