Launched on August 14, 2013, Telegram is currently one of the most popular messaging platforms. It currently boasts over 900 million monthly active users. Most of these users prefer Telegram because of its high level of privacy and security. There’s also a large file-sharing feature, unlike most social media platforms that only allow sharing of bit-sized files. April 2020 to 2024 saw Telegram grow by 500 million users. Among these users are scammers looking to take advantage of other users. In recent times, there’s been an increase in Telegram scams nationwide. As a result, we deem it fit for users…
- What's the IYKYK meaning on Instagram & how to use itIf you’re among the 2.4 Billion Instagram users, chances are you’ve come across the hashtag #IYKYK. It could have been attached to a photo or a reel. Seeing that you’re scrolling through this article, it’s obvious you’ve, at some point, wondered, “What’s IYKYK meaning on Instagram?” Well, this article will answer that question. It’ll also teach you all there’s to know about this IYKYK and how you can effectively use it in your Instagram posts to connect with your audience in a unique way. Because from the look of it, IYKYK is here to stay. What does IYKYK mean? Before…
- Candy AI guide for parents: Pricing, alternatives and safety tipsParenting has become too hard, especially with the introduction of AI tools on the internet. Today, many people use virtual friend AI tools such as Candy AI. Sadly, they have no idea what these tools are, how they operate, and possible dangers. Here, you will learn everything possible about Candy AI. The guide will feature everything from its price, the set of options that it offers, potential substitutes, and safety precautions you must take while using artificial intelligence tools. We will also give recommendations for parents who fear their kids might get affected by such tools. So, keep reading if…
- Top 8 Candy AI alternatives parents should know to keep kids safeKeeping children away from the hazards of the internet and inappropriate AI chatbots has become a daunting task for parents. In fact, kids usually know more than parents about the usage of the app and more. If you are also one of the parents, have a seat! This article is a piece of the solution for your problem as it will explore 8 Candy AI alternatives with their features, age limit, and more. So keep learning! What is Candy.AI chatbot? “Candy.AI is an NSFW AI chatbot with a focus on simple conversations but is capable of answering different types of…
- BOP meaning differs on TikTok; here's how Gen-Z reshapes wordSince its relatively recent appearance, TikTok has taken over the lead in setting trends and influencing people’s lives. From this list, many parents can comprehend that keeping track of this rather dynamic environment is quite stressful. Among those terms, at the moment, there is the term “BOP. “But what does “bop” in the context of TikTok mean? While Gen-Z has adopted this term and made it sound like your teens use it every day. It is important to decode this language to be closer and feel the child. Well, then, let me explain the bop meaning TikTok. What does BOP…
- Smile parents guide: A resource for concerned parentsAs a parent, one always has to be watchful of what the children are watching especially when it comes to movies. As the movie “Smile” has been released, you should know if this is appropriate for your child or not. So, I’ve made this Smile Parents guide to help you understand what to expect. I will therefore discuss the age rating of the movie, the content of the movie, and the effects of the movie ‘Smile.’ So, here is what this movie is all about and whether it suits your children. Why is Smile rated R parents' guide? “Smile” has…
- Parents' guide to Gabb Watch for kids: Features and comparisonsThe first concern in every parent’s mind about their child’s safety outside is how they can track them remotely. If you live in a rough neighborhood, you’ll think twice about letting your kid out of the house alone. Moreover, it can be extremely alarming when your kid is running late from school. So, to tackle these issues and to get a better peace of mind about your kid’s safety, you should consider getting kids a GPS watch from Gabb. In this article, we will give you all the information regarding how it protects your kids and what functions Gabb Watch…
- Anonymous browsing Twitter without account: Web viewer optionsTwitter is one of the most popular social networks to receive news, entertainment, and trends. Although the share of parents interested in children’s privacy and security has gradually grown. If you do not want others to identify you on the internet or simply do not wish to create an account on Twitter, you do not have to worry. There are ways through which you can browse Twitter anonymously. Reading tweets without having a Twitter account is easy because one can use a Twitter web viewer. So, let’s cover a few options that allow you to remain anonymous while enjoying the…
- X on Snapchat: What it means and how to remove itYou were just talking to your close friend last night on Snapchat, but now there’s an X icon showing next to his/her name? What’s that? Wait a second! We have answers to all of your questions. This article is a complete guide on X on Snapchat, what it means, what the scenarios are, how to remove it, and many more. So, stay connected and keep learning! Does an X on Snapchat mean you're blocked? An “X” next to someone’s name on Snapchat does not always mean someone has blocked you. There are myriad reasons that the “X” shows up. And,…
- Signal app scams: 5 examples explained and how to avoid themOnline scams are now the second most reported type of crime in many countries, and it has continued to increase at an alarming rate. For instance, phishing, fake charity, and romance scams have continued to gain popularity on the Signal app. A great number of individuals have fallen victim, too. The founders of most social media platforms, including Signal, have put together features like disappearing messages and end-to-end encryption to ensure that its users are protected. Unfortunately, this has not stopped the increasing rise of scams. In this blog, we'll explain how these scams work, including practical advice on how…