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What do check marks mean on WhatsApp

Still, staring at the read receipts in the chat box and waiting for someone to reply? WhatsApp check marks are a key feature for understanding the status of messages you send. A person who chooses to disregard your messages will cause a double-gray check mark to stay. It’s vital to understand check marks for effective communication, to keep waiting, or to contact them directly. This guide simplifies everything to prevent any confusion in understanding these check marks on WhatsApp. Let’s dive in!

What do the different check marks mean on WhatsApp?

whatsapp check marks

WhatsApp ticks enable you to track the read status of your messages, from delivery to acknowledgment by the receiver. There are 3 different Whatsapp check marks you can see:

  • One gray check: sent successfully
  • Two gray checks: delivered successfully
  • Two blue checks: already read

Your awareness of these check marks allows you to stay updated on the Whatsapp message status. You receive certainty about your message through this feature that reports both message delivery status and intentional avoidance. The following are detailed explanations.

What does one check mark mean on WhatsApp?

The presence of one gray check indicates your message has left your device but has not yet arrived at the recipient’s device. The message remains suspended in the WhatsApp server until it can connect with the target device.

There are possible reasons why your message has not reached the recipient:

  1. Their phone is off: The phone remains inactive, so messages cannot be sent because there is no power.
  2. No Internet connection: The message transmission will fail when people remain in a location with no Internet connection.
  3. They blocked you: A single check mark may also indicate that you are getting blocked by the recipient. Harsh, but possible.
  4. WhatsApp issues: The server problems on WhatsApp cause the application to delay the delivery of messages.

What do double-check marks mean on WhatsApp?

check marks on whatsapp

2 gray check marks:

Two gray ticks mean a delivery confirmation. Your message is delivered successfully to the recipient’s device, but it still remains unreaded. You should keep in mind they could be occupied as well as ignoring you right now.

2 blue check marks:

Two blue marks indicate that the reader received the message and already read it. No more excuses. In the WhatsApp group chat, two blue ticks will only appear when every group member has viewed the message.

Possible issues:

  1. Gray checks remain unchanged when the recipient has no internet access or if the WhatsApp application is inactive.
  1. The two gray check marks become blue only when the person enables read receipts or actually views your message. Therefore, if they fail to turn blue, it indicates either you’re getting ignored, or the Whatsapp read receipt is disabled.
From sent messages to read receipts, this guide interprets every mark.

From single grey to double blue, get the full scoop on message statuses and privacy settings.

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Check marks for group messages on WhatsApp

Group chat functions under the WhatsApp checkmark system yet adds an extra element that distinguishes it from regular chat. Since group chat involves multiple participants, the status indicators show collective group activity instead of individual entry and delivery reports.

One gray check mark 

  • Your message was transmitted yet no person has received it yet.
  • Potential causes include that group participants do not have access to the internet or WhatsApp experiences server speed delays.

Two gray check marks 

  • At least one recipient of your message exists within the group.
  • At least one group member remains connected to the internet yet the remaining recipients might not have received the message.
  • The checks mark will remain in gray color until every member of the group sees the message.

Two blue check marks 

  • All members of the group have acknowledged your communication.
  • Until each person in the group views the message its check marks remain gray colored.
  • Users who want to track which participants have viewed their group message need to press and hold the message and then choose “Info” from the options.

Gray check marks in a single chat or group chat have the same meaning. The only difference is the double blue check marks. The gray check marks indicate you should remain patient or tag individual members to make them take notice.

Special cases: Clock icon instead of check marks

Have you seen the exception: the clock icon instead of the check mark? A clock icon means that your message remains trapped on your phone until it receives transmission instructions.

Clock icon instead of check marks on whatsapp

This usually happens due to:

  • No Internet connection: An absent internet connection results from disabled Wi-Fi or a weak cellular network.
  • WhatsApp server issues: Users sometimes experience server problems.
  • Large file size: Sending a big video or document? It may take longer to deliver.
  • Phone issues: The slow performance of your mobile phone, combined with insufficient phone storage space, causes delays in the message-sending process.

Troubleshooting tips:

Your message showing a clock icon requires you to follow these methods for resolution:

  1. Check your Internet: Beyond checking internet status you should disable and re-enable Wi-Fi together with data options. Switch networks if needed.
  2. Restart WhatsApp: Terminate WhatsApp and restore it from closed status to refresh connection operation.
  3. Restart your phone: Performing a phone restart provides relief from numerous software problems.
  4. Clear storage: A storage that reaches its limit causes WhatsApp to face difficulties sending messages.
  5. Resend the message: Tag the wanted message and attempt to retransmit it using the forward function.
  6. Check WhatsApp status: Look at the WhatsApp status page to determine if the servers are functioning normally.

The presence of the clock icon signifies that your message has not left your device yet which reduces the need for concern. Figure out how to repair the message delivery before it starts its journey to the receiver.

How to disable WhatsApp read receipts on Android and iOS?

Turning off the read receipts on WhatsApp is a way to conceal message-reading activities from others, which effectively blocks the blue check marks from being displayed. The feature sometimes brings the stress of must-responding immediately.

Let’s break down the steps for turning off read receipts.

On Android:

  1. Open WhatsApp and tap the three-dot menu in the top-right corner.
  2. Select Settings > Privacy.
  3. Navigate to the Read Receipts and deactivate it through the toggle.

On iPhone:

  1. Open WhatsApp, and go to Settings (bottom-right corner).
  2. Go to Privacy.
  3. Toggle Read Receipts off.
disable WhatsApp read receipts

Important notes:

  1. The function of turning off read receipts applies only to individual chats. Two blue check marks will remain visible when all participants read a message in a group.
  2. The examination of voice messages by users generates displays with blue checks present.
  3. The ability to shut off read receipts for status updates (stories) is not possible within WhatsApp.

You can also read WhatsApp messages without someone knowing, without deactivating the read receipt functionality. In this way, activate airplane mode first before opening WhatsApp, followed by reading the message.

What happens if read receipts are disabled?

For the sender:

  • The presence of blue checkmarks will no longer appear on your screen. The messages will maintain their two gray checkpoints even when the recipient has seen them.
  • Every member of the group chat can see the blue check marks when they have read a particular message.

For the recipient:

  • Once you receive a message, the correspondent will not know whether or when you actually read it.
  • Your recipients will still receive blue check marks when listening to your voice message, even when you have turned off the read receipt option.

Activating privacy features provides you with confidential communication yet erases your ability to notice when others view your messages. Fairtrade, that’s up to you!

Check marks on WhatsApp web/desktop

The meaning of check marks on WhatsApp web and desktop mirrors that are present in the mobile application. No surprises there!

  • The check marks between devices stay connected so mobile notifications mirror the status of marked messages on WhatsApp Web.
  • When you log out from WhatsApp Web before a message becomes read, the check marks will stay unchanged until you log back in.
  • The status of desktop notifications does not refresh check marks immediately, so users should refresh the page if needed.

Final thoughts

Understanding these symbols helps you stay informed and avoid confusion. Remember, you can also manage your privacy by turning off read receipts if needed. You’re now equipped to know WhatsApp’s check marks with ease and improve your experience.

Also, if you’re a parent who is always confused about why your child always checks their WhatsApp for a long time, a powerful tracker will show you the answer. FlashGet Kids enables you to keep an eye on your child’s online interactions. Its notification tracker and screen mirroring display every social media move if you need it. Moreover, parents can also set up keyword detection to get real-time alerts if bad words occur.


How many ticks on WhatsApp if the phone is off?

Just one gray check. The delivery fails due to no Internet.

How to read WhatsApp messages without letting the sender know?

The solution includes disabling read receipts and switching to airplane mode or reviewing messages through phone notifications. Android users can access Android messages through widgets and users of WhatsApp Web can preview messages from the platform.

Can you turn off read receipts for certain ones on WhatsApp?

Nope! It’s all or nothing. Your disabled read receipt affects all your contacts to the same extent. The only exception? The exception occurs with WhatsApp Status, which allows users to prevent selected contacts from viewing their Status content.

Can you unsend messages on WhatsApp?

Yes! Users should activate the “Delete for Everyone” option before the 60-hour lapse. After that, you’re stuck. Also, a deleted message notification appears to the recipient which reveals the presence of concealment activity.

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kidcaring, Chief Writer in FlashGet Kids.
She is dedicated to shaping parental control in the digital world. She is an experienced expert in the parenting industry and has engaged in reporting and writing different parental control apps. For the past five years, she has provided additional parental guides for the family and has contributed to changing parenting methods.

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