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DSL meaning explained: From TikTok trends to parental guidance

TikTok is an engaging social media platform that allows users to create, watch and post videos. You know that as of now, there are more than 1 billion TikTok monthly active users, and most of them are teens. However, users use many slang words on TikTTok and DSL is one of them. It has a dual meaning one being technical and the other being inappropriate for younger audiences.

Thus, this article will provide you with a comprehensive detail on DSL, meaning TikTok, an explanation of other DSL-like slang, and also the tips for parents to deal with DSL slang. Lastly, we’ll also suggest a workable solution for monitoring kids’ digital activities. So, keep reading!

What does DSL mean?

The word DSL can be described in two contexts, one is technical and the other one is internet slang.

DSL ( Digital Subsciber Line )

As a technical term, DSL refers to Digital Subscriber Line. It is the common type of internet access that uses standard telephone lines. This means that you can go online and at the same time receive or make telephone calls. In regions where the more advanced connections, such as fiber optic, are not yet available, this is a very good alternative.

You might use this word in conversation as “I have DSL broadband in my home and it does the job well when it comes to normal browsing and watching videos.”

DSL ( Dick Sucking Lips )

DSL is also employed indiscriminately to mean full lips or thick lips. Yet, the context could be somewhat vulgar here because DSL is often shortened from “Dick Sucking Lips,” meaning that her lips are ‘hot’ in that way. However, this informal sense is very often used for a friendship purpose or even playful flirtation.

The word DSL may sound innocent, but its slang aspect may have some inappropriate meaning with which you might feel uncomfortable. Therefore, you have to think about the situation before employing or interpreting it in any way. Clear!

DSL ( Digital Subsciber Line )

What is the meaning of DSL on TikTok?

On TikTok, most people use DSL as slang to describe a person who has plump and pleasing lips. You will see this term in the comments section of videos showing people’s lips, and make-up on their lips.

Suppose someone posts a TikTok video applying lipstick and a comment goes, “You’ve got serious DSL vibes” meaning your lips stand out.

TikTok has its both dark and light aspects especially when it comes to trends or casual languages. So, you have to be cautious while using the DSl term. The reason is that this term carries some sexual connotations and even some obscene terms.

Let’s take another example,

Someone commented on a TikTok video that said, “She’s got DSL,” even though she didn’t intend to make their lips the focus of that particular video. So, this comment is just an inappropriate action to disrespect the person.

Thus, when you come across the acronym DSL on TikTok, do remember it is seldom ever used as an Internet service provider. So, just be cautious of the surroundings and in particular the people with whom you speak. Because this platform is full of younger audiences.

How does Gen-Z use the slang DSL?

Generation Z ( people familiar with the use of social media ) mostly use the slang DSL. So, let’s see how they make use of DSL slang in their conversations.

How does Gen-Z use the slang DSL

Sometimes, when their friends upload pictures of themselves posing with their makeup, they comment, “Your DSLs are making me alive.” Although this comment is more of a praise, it still sticks to the flirty aspects.

Additionally, DSL is not a rude word as people also gently use it on funny occasions. For example, if there is a video of someone doing lip smacking exaggeratedly and smiling, a follower would say “When you know you have DSL.” Such a phrase is common among Gen-Z who use this term when communicating with their peers.

As far as the usage of DSL is concerned towards friends, we can say that it is mostly used for making fun. However, there is also the aspect of it being somewhat objectifying. Thus, if you want to effectively communicate with other members of Generation Z, then you have to understand the context of the usage of DSLs and other slang.

Slangs like DSL on TikTok

Likewise other social media platforms, TikTok also has its own unique language ( code wording ). Its users use it while communicating with their peers or followers. So, it’s very essential to be familiar with the slang used on TikTok to effectively participate in conversations.

Moreover, some slangs carry inappropriate meanings, so if you are a parent then you must be aware of their usage. Don’t worry this section will discuss a pool of internet slang, so be with us!


It stands for”Laughing my ass off.” You can use this term if you are discussing something that is very funny or ridiculous. For example: “I just saw the video of a dancing cat, and it made me LMAO!”


A Simp is someone who is excessively caring towards their romantic partner. It is usually said about that person that he or she takes care of the needs of the other who does not appreciate it. You might say, “He’s always getting her gifts and she doesn’t value him, only any simp will buy these gifts for that girl.”

Thirst trap:

This phrase can be used to define the images or the videos which are created to catch the attention. And excite people sexually.

Example: “That Instagram post had a thirst trap and people have continued to comment on it until this day.”


This is a short form of ‘Not Safe For Work’. This is a particular term that you can use for internet posts that are very inappropriate for viewing within the workplace.

Example: Make sure whether this video is NSFW or not if you want to play it at the office.


This is an acronym for ‘Big Dick Energy’. You can use this term for any person who possesses some form of captivating confidence. It portrays that he/she is value-conscious but does not show off.

Example: One day, I saw a person helping others, that was some BDE!


This term usually stands for “Woman Ass Pussy.” This phrase describes the woman’s sexual arousal.

Example: “You know that song is all about WAP.”


It’s the abbreviation of the fear of missing out. You can use this term if you missed an occasion full of entertainment.

Example: “Last night I just said that I would stay at home, and my friends attended the party and now they are putting photos of absolute fun. I am here with serious FOMO.”


It means to cut off all means of communication with a person with whom you used to interact. But doesn’t give any reason for this action. Usually, this takes place on dates or in friendships.

Example: “It was a good date. I am not denying it. But then he ghosted me and there has been no communication on this topic since.”

Cuffing season:

This term refers to the time of the year when a single person wants to have someone special to pass the winter.

Example: “Winter is stepping in; it is evident that it is close to cuffing season!”


It refers to exchanging sexually themed short messages or photographs among partners via a mobile phone.

Example: “They both have been in touch for the past 2 weeks. It appears that they are getting into serious sexting.”


It stands for ‘Define the relationship.’ You can use this term if you are in a relationship with someone and want to clarify that either you are serious or just casual.

Example: I think we have to DTR to make the situation clear.

If you’ve come across these slang phrases, it helps you interact with the youth and get their cross-messaging relevance on sites like Tiktok.

How should parents see slang like DSL?

Teens are the most prevalent users of social media, especially the TikTok app. Nevertheless, you know that on such sites, people use a lot of non-necessary slang language. Most of them have vulgar connotations which are often inappropriate for children and thus, parents should be alerted.

At this point, a big question comes, how do parents deal with phrases which are most often meant for teenagers? Well! In this section, we will help you deal with slang like DSL more positively.

Understanding the context

Young people are fond of using slang language since it is most especially applicable when trying to fit into the ruthless hierarchies of their respective age group. For example, when your kid uses the term DSL, it is likely that they are complimenting someone’s looks or just making a really good joke.

But knowing this helps prevent you from becoming quite anxious when you meet such unfamiliar words.

Open communication

It is usually a good idea to encourage children to speak openly to you regarding slang usage. For example, when you come across DSL, the first reaction should not be of surprise which is often the case. You have to know where your kids use certain terminologies, phrases, or words. It would help you to understand what they are trying to say. You might say, “I heard you use the word DSL, but what does it mean to you?” Then kids would explain on their own without being hammered by you.

In addition, if you believe that DSL is being used in a certain manner, like interpreted negatively, then you can do many things. For instance, you might say to your kids, Sorry my child, but it is hard for me to believe and accept that DSL is a joke. How about you? In this way, you make room for talking rather than for fighting.

Setting limits

While understanding the context of slang, you must also set limits for your kids. For example, there is a need to talk to the children and inform them that some words may be used interchangeably with their friends. This does not mean that you have the right to say those things wherever, say at school.

As an illustration, you said; “I get DSL is no more than a joke among buddies but some people may get offended by that. Thus, there is nothing wrong in trying to choose what words your kids use and to whom. This makes them consider how other people’s feelings can be appreciated and this assists in nurturing interpersonal skills.

Broadening horizons on respect

They should definitely understand that respect and consent carry a huge weight. You can explain to them that even though some words may make certain sentences more appealing. However, some of these words are rather poor choices and other may misinterpret them.

How to know if your kids use explicit words in messaging apps?

In today’s digital landscape, you can easily connect with your friends and family in just one click. However, at the same time, it elevates the parent’s concerns about their kid’s digital safety. For instance, on messaging apps, people might use internet slang having an explicit meaning which exploits the younger minds.

But stay calm! You can go for FlashGet Kid’s parental control app. It might prove a one-stop solution for ensuring a healthy digital environment for your kids. So, let’s explore this app for better understanding!

main features of FlashGet Kids
  • Screen mirroring: FlashGet Kids enables you to mirror your kid’s device screen to your phone. Thus, it enables you to monitor kids’ online activities in real time by sitting in one place. For example, you can see to whom your kids are chatting or whether they use explicit words or not.
  • Keywords detection: Owing to this feature, you can easily customize the keywords related to explicit content. If your kids receive any inappropriate messages, then it will instantly alter you.
  • Notifications tracker: FlashGet Kids also allows you to sync real-time notifications from your kid’s devices. Thus, if you see any incoming message containing explicit words, then you can timely take action. And can ensure a healthy environment for your kids.
Kidcaring, Chief Writer in FlashGet Kids.
She is dedicated to shaping parental control in the digital world. She is an experienced expert in the parenting industry and has engaged in reporting and writing different parental control apps. For the past five years, she has provided additional parental guides for the family and has contributed to changing parenting methods.

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