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How to delete Discord messages and keep conversations safe

It is very crucial to understand how to delete discord messages in order to minimize privacy issues. Besides being able to manage the messages well. 

Whether it is a message you wish you never sent or you just want to make your chat history look tidy. Knowing how to delete messages can assist in keeping the conversations safe. 

To make the deleting process easy for you, this guide will outline the different ways you can use to delete messages from Discord in order to be safe while using this app.

Why delete Discord messages?

Discord is a messaging application that is widely enjoyed by millions of users all over the world, mainly gamers and work teams. It provides text, voice and video communication in addition to audio and video calls, thereby keeping people connected.

delete discord messages

However, there comes a time when users want to delete Discord messages for one reason or another.

  1. Privacy concerns: Users may need to delete messages containing information about themselves or other people that can be exploited if discovered by others.
  1. Regret: In some occasions, one may send a message when they are annoyed. Deleting them is helpful since it helps one start over and stop a conflict from happening.
  1. Accountability: In a professional context, it can also be useful as you can completely erase messages which could lead to negative consequences.
  1. Cleanup: It is convenient for removing unnecessary information and freeing up space in the message lists.

Learning how to delete Discord messages helps users to be in charge of whatever they post online.

Does deleting a message on Discord delete it for everyone?

When you delete a message on Discord, it disappears from the chat for all parties involved. Other participants in the chat might see the inscription that someone deleted the message. But, they will not be able to read the actual content of that message.

Can you recover deleted messages on Discord?

Once a message is deleted on Discord, it tends to be deleted permanently. It cannot reappear on the platform. Currently, Discord does not have an integrated option to view deleted messages. As such, a standard user cannot recover messages once they have been deleted.

Delete messages – delete noise and unnecessary contact on Discord.

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What types of Discord messages do you want to delete?

Here is a list of the main types of messages sent in Discord, which people often think of deleting.

  1. Direct messages (DMs). These are chats where users may share some information that is important only to them and should not be seen by other people.
  1. Channel messages. Notifications and messages sent in general or specific channels may be distracting or contain irrelevant or old information.
  1. Group messages. Refers to group conversations that include a number of connected parties, as they could contain information that is no longer credible.
  1. Spoilers/sensitive content. Messages that may contain spoilers to games or movies. Or any content that the user may want to keep hidden from certain groups.
  1. Mistakenly sent messages. Any communication which was not meant to be sent. From a single-digit key press to a fully formed text message.

Knowing the different types of messages enables users to be more aware of their interactions with others on Discord. And this way, control their visibility and level of organization.

Delete a message on Discord desktop

As much as it is fun to send messages to friends and chat with them. It is always crucial to know how you delete a message using the Discord desktop application. 

Let us take a look at the process of deleting messages in both DMs and Discord channels using your computer.

How to delete a Discord message from DM on computer?

Here is how to quickly delete messages in your Direct Messages on Discord.

  1. Open Discord on your PC and go to your account.
discord desktop
  1. Check your conversation list.
  2. Place your mouse pointer over the message that you want deleted.
delete discord messages on desktop 1
  1. Tap the three-dot menu that will appear at the right corner of the message.
delete discord messages on desktop 2
  1. From the options, click on “Delete Message.”
delete discord messages on desktop 3
  1. Confirm again in the pop-up window to delete it.
confirm delete discord messages

Delete a message from Discord channel

Here is how to effectively organize and delete messages on any channel in Discord.

  1. To get started, open the Discord application on your PC.
  2. Access the specific Discord channel.
Discord channel
  1. Find the message you’d like to delete.
 delete messages from Discord channel
  1. Place your cursor on the exact message you need to delete.
  2. Tap the three-dot menu (…) that will be displayed on the right.
delete messages from Discord channel 2
  1. Select “Delete.” If an alert window is present, click on the action to confirm it.
delete messages

Can you delete Discord messages on mobile?

Yes, it is possible to delete messages on Discord on the mobile app, whether it is iOS or Android. Here’s how users can effectively manage their messages in the DMs or in the channels.

In Direct Messages

  1. Tap on the Discord app on your mobile phone.
  2. Go to the DM conversation that holds the message you want to get rid of.
Discord dms
  1. Find out the certain one’s message you wish to delete.
delete certain one's messages
  1. Press on the message until a popping-up menu appears.
  2. Choose “Delete Message” and confirm “Delete.”
delete messages on Discord app

In channels

  1. Open the Discord app, and click on the channel containing the said message.
  2. Go to the message you wish to remove.
  3. Long-press the screen to open the available actions list.
  4. On the menu, choose the option labeled “Delete” to delete it.

Is it possible to delete all messages from Discord DM or channel?

Knowing how to delete multiple messages on Discord is important when it comes to privacy and clearing a mess on the internet. Let us take a look at the challenges and constraints associated with large-scale mass message deletion in Discord platforms.

Currently, there is no inbuilt, single way in Discord that can delete all messages at once within a channel. 

The platform deliberately does not allow for the removal of multiple messages at once. They do not want any misuse or alterations of the data. Users can only clear individual messages at a time or utilize the Discord bots with actual mass messaging deletion abilities.

Why can’t I delete messages on Discord?

Users can experience several issues while trying to delete messages on Discord for the following reasons. 

  • Server restrictions. Managers of the server could have set options to prevent or restrict the deletion of messages for some users.   
  • Missing permissions. It is not possible to delete any users’ messages if you are not the author of the message. Or even a server administrator who has required privileges.
  • Account status. When you are on a server that has banned or flagged your account. You could lose your capacity to manage your messages including erasing them.
  • Technical issues. Most of the time, users may face certain issues or problems like technical glitches or application bugs. These may deny them the ability to delete messages.

Is it effective to delete Discord messages if kids send personal info?

Erasing messages at Discord may look like a rather effective solution for the protection of privacy. Especially in case a child accidentally shares personal information. 

However, it is important to realize that erasing the messages does not totally eliminate data leakage. While the deletion of a message hides it from the chats of other users. It is not a perfect way to address issues to do with privacy. 

Parents and guardians need to go a notch higher and ensure that they supervise conversations. They should ensure that the children are taught the safe use of the internet.


More tips for keeping kids’ Discord usage safer

Here are some measures parents should take to help make children’s use of Discord safer.

  • Open communication

Talk to your child often about what they do on the Internet and if there is something that worries them. Also, teach your child to report any issues he or she has or worries regarding their actions on the internet.

  • Set up safety features on Discord

Learn about Discord server options which include who can join the server, content filtering, and management of user roles. Make your child understand that it is okay to report any forbidden content or behavior that they find in Discord.

It is recommended that you use parental control applications like FlashGet Kids to enable you to monitor your child’s activity in Discord. This app can help you in:

Live monitoring: Allows parents to observe their child’s activities in the Discord app. This includes the chat history, contacts, and time spent in the app in real-time.   

Screen time management: It can even limit the time their children use gadgets or particular applications within their gadgets.

Through the utilization of FlashGet Kids, parents will be in a position to increase security as kids using Discord. Making communication safe.


There are very many reasons why it is extremely important to know how to delete Discord messages. Starting with the need to protect your privacy whenever you are chatting online. 

While the removal of messages helps reduce risks, it is impossible to completely prevent information leakage if the information gets into the open. 

To strengthen protection, parents may use such utilities as FlashGet Kids, as it comes with many useful monitoring and control options.

With proper message management techniques and good parental controls, families can create a safe environment for their children online.


How do I know if someone deleted a Discord message?

Discord users will simply see a message informing them that a specific message was deleted if a message has been deleted on the messaging platform. Moderation bots can also preserve deleted message information, so that server admins can see what was deleted, but the regular users cannot.

Where do deleted Discord messages go?

Once you delete your messages on Discord, they are completely wiped off from this social platform. It does not move to another archive or recoverable folder. 

Can I use extension to delete Discord messages?

Yes, you can use browser extensions, such as Tampermonkey to run scripts for the help of managing the messages and deleting them on Discord. However, some of such extensions may violate Discord terms of service and might result in account problems. So use them with caution.

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kidcaring, Chief Writer in FlashGet Kids.
She is dedicated to shaping parental control in the digital world. She is an experienced expert in the parenting industry and has engaged in reporting and writing different parental control apps. For the past five years, she has provided additional parental guides for the family and has contributed to changing parenting methods.

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