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How to turn off location on BeReal: A ultimate guide for privacy

BeReal has taken social media by storm with its raw, authentic approach to sharing moments, but like any app that uses location data, it raises some privacy concerns. Whether you’re worried about your whereabouts being tracked or simply prefer to keep your location private, learning how to turn off location on BeReal can give you more control over your posts.

Users can decide to show their location or switch it off whenever they want. You can set posts to exclude location data and stop the app from accessing your device location to protect your privacy. Our guide explains BeReal functions along with sharing location features and gives steps to turn it off on both iPhone and Android.

How to share your location on BeReal

BeReal expects its users to post unfiltered photos daily to share real-life moments. Moreover, your device settings for GPS service determine whether BeReal can show your current position in your posts.

BeReal will use your location information to suggest relevant content, such as nearby events, popular places, and recommendations from friends in your area. By accessing your location, this social app enhances your overall experience on the platform and helps you connect with the people and communities that matter to you.

Bereal app

Before posting, do not forget to enable or disable this function according to your needs. BeReal will show others the exact location where you took pictures if you want to share your whereabouts with friends and other users.

Enable phone location permission in advance (Android and iPhone):

  • Go to App list > BeReal in Settings, and select Allow in the Location Permissions options that appear.

Add your location on BeReal posts:

  1. You will be prompted to take a BeReal photo when getting a notification at random times each day. To get started, access the BeReal app on your device.
  2. Before sending your post, tap the location icon above “Send” >  “Share my position.”
  1. After that, tap “send” and share your BeReal.
  2. Now, your friends will see your location under the post.

Does BeReal always show the location?

No, BeReal doesn’t always share your locations. By default, location-sharing on BeReal is turned off, but once turned on, your location will show for future BeReal posts unless disabled. Before making every post, you can manually choose to grant or disable location access. Users can hide their location information from others through its app settings.

Be Real, Be Private: Master Location Settings on BeReal!

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How to turn off location on BeReal

BeReal lets you reveal your location on every post, which can be great for connecting with more people but can also bring security concerns. When you disable location sharing, BeReal stops revealing your actual position. This protects you from uninvited monitoring.

BeReal does not provide a single option to disable location sharing for all posts so you must adjust the setting for every new post.

Turn off location on BeReal app (iPhone)

iOS users should know that there is a straightforward way to turn off location on the BeReal app. One thing for all BeReal users and enthusiasts is that once you send that post with your location, you cannot change it unless you delete it. 

  1. Open the Settings on your iPhone. Scroll down to find the BeReal app.
Turn off location on BeReal app
  1. Tap BeReal from the list.
  2. Tap “Location“ > Choose  “Never” to prevent BeReal from checking where you are.
never allow location access
  1. You can also turn off the location when using the app. 

Turn off location on BeReal app (Android)

  1. Open the Settings > Apps on your Android device.
Android app settings
  1. Locate BeReal.
Bereal app
  1. From the Location Permission options, select “Don’t allow.”
Bereal location permission

Can I turn off location on BeReal after posting?

No, after posting on BeReal, one cannot change or remove the location info. Once you submit your post, the app does not provide any way to erase the recorded location data unless you delete the post. 

Is it safe to use a real location on BeReal?

Through actual location sharing on BeReal, users obtain more opportunities to make new friends while engaging in more activities. 

Your exposure to potential risks, including stalking and unwanted attention, significantly increases when you make your precise location public.

Home users of BeReal must understand that after posting their location information cannot be altered or the data removed, and it remains visible until your post disappears from the network. 

The secure approach requires you to share your location information with trusted friends but you should disable this function when in sensitive locations.

5 safety tips for enjoying BeReal fun

BeReal attracts worldwide users to share their real-time lives through its unique platform design.  As with the use of any social network, security considerations are essential.  

Users can secure their data on BeReal by adjusting privacy settings and audience permissions. These five pointers provide you with practical methods to defend your online safety. If your friends or children are active in BeReal, feel free to share this information.

1. Turn off location sharing

Users can select to reveal their precise location information or not. Check the location toggle before you post because you can turn it off at any time to shield your location details.

2. Adjust your audience settings

BeReal enables you to determine who can see your shares, for only friends or everyone else in the discovery feed.

Users may gain followers but also expose themselves to dangerous strangers when they share their content through Discovery.  Before posting, check your audience settings; the “My Friends Only” section offers the best risk management during BeReal use.

3. Check what’s in your photos

BeReal allows you to take photos from both cameras, which means you may accidentally show personal items on your posts. Personal information can be found on what you leave in view, such as mail notifications, real name, bank card, etc.

4. Limit who can interact with you

BeReal uses RealMojis along with comments as a way for users to connect with their friends through the platform. Sometimes, users experience unwanted interactions that you’d prefer to avoid. You can change your settings to enable friend-only post commenting to create a secure environment.

5. Manage teens’ posts and interactions with FlashGet Kids

The above safety tips are mainly for adult users, now this one is for extra protection if you allow your kids to enjoy the fun on BeReal. Proper parental involvement and monitoring are recommended.

The best tool you can use to manage your kid’s screen time and monitor online sharing is FlashGet Kids. Parents can use this reliable parental control app to monitor their children’s social media usage, like BeReal, and limit access during specific periods; a notification tracker will allow you to keep them safe from engaging in risky content and activities.


You need to regulate your privacy options to enjoy BeReal without the worry of revealing too much. The app doesn’t notify beginners that once you share your location in a post, there is no way to undo it. Set your precise location private and control your connections to defend your safety & privacy. Basic security actions make BeReal a safe platform and keep your online experience on social media positive.


Can I turn location on or off for all BeReals?

Users cannot disable or enable their location settings for individual entries on the app. You must adjust the settings every time you create a post on BeReal.

Does BeReal show the exact location?

When you enable its location-sharing feature, your post reveals your close-to-actual location rather than your 100% accurate position.

Can I see who looks at my BeReal?

You cannot track who views your BeReal posts on the app since BeReal does not have this feature. You can detect when your BeReal post receives responses from users through emojis or comments.

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kidcaring, Chief Writer in FlashGet Kids.
She is dedicated to shaping parental control in the digital world. She is an experienced expert in the parenting industry and has engaged in reporting and writing different parental control apps. For the past five years, she has provided additional parental guides for the family and has contributed to changing parenting methods.

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