I have always found Telegram to be a great app for messaging, communication and sharing. But what if a particular person decides to abuse that freedom? So, finding out how to report someone on Telegram is useful in case of scams, harassment or other violations at the Telegram. Reporting is not just about covering oneself; it is about enhancing the safety of everyone within the society.
In this guide, we will explore why reporting is critical in the first place, how you can report someone on Telegram across different platforms, and what happens when you click on that report button. Stay tuned—you will also get to know useful tricks for teenagers and parents alike. Let’s go!
Why is reporting someone on Telegram important?

Reporting misuse on the Telegram App is not just about solving your own issues but a measure that can safeguard a community. Telegram’s openness allows users to create and join channels freely, but it also comes with risks, such as scammers and abusive users.
So, why should you care? Here are some reasons:
Stop harmful behavior: Reporting a user makes their account visible to Telegram administration, which may lead to flagging, suspension or banning.
Protects others: When you report any misconduct you are serving to ensure that other people do not suffer from the same problems as well. Such a report can form a ripple effect and go around the community.
Maintains a safe space: Telegram is known for its privacy and security. So, one of the ways of assuring its users of this security, is through reporting of such persons as scammers and abusive persons.
Writing off abusive behavior only strengthens those behind them. Reporting springs the platform to action and makes the environment on the platform safer for everyone.
What types of behavior can you report on Telegram?
Telegram has well-defined rules regarding prohibited behavior. Users can use the reporting system to help Telegram quickly assess the problem and eliminate it.
Cyberbullying and cyberstalking are in different shapes such as constant messaging, sharing of unpleasant content or following someone’s online activity. In simple terms, if messages from the user trigger a perception of its danger, it is well placed to report such profiles.
Hackers and scammers share links in the messenger, ask questions to which you can share your personal data, or simply offer something that is too good to be true or real. So, if it smells fishy, report it. Telegram notes that it simply has no room for scammers who may be manipulating user’s trust.
Any materials which contain hate speech, violence, abuse, for any person or a group of people, are prohibited according to Telegram’s policies. No matter if it is cases of threat or hate speech, reporting such cases assists Telegram in preventing unsavory characters on its platform.
This may encompass adult content, terrorist-related content or anything that goes against law or norms of decency. Using such content may be found in telegram groups or channels but has a provision where any user can report it to be withdrawn.
Once you know these categories you will feel more comfortable about recognizing misconduct when you observe it. That is why the sooner you do it, the sooner Telegram will be able to react.
Use parental controls to safeguard kids’ experience
How to report someone on telegram for scamming, harassment, abuse?
Reporting misconduct is possible in several ways in Telegram, and they all are appropriate for different circumstances. Both steps can be applied on Android, iOS as well as on the web and are not restricted to dealing with any specific group chat problem or a hostile group admin.
How to report someone in a chat on Telegram?
If you’re in a one-on-one conversation, here is how to report someone on Telegram.
Step 1. Open Telegram and access conversation with the person you wish to report.
Step 2. Tap on their profile on the top right corner of the screen.

Step 3. Tap the report button from the options menu.

Step 4. Select the reason for reporting the target user. Confirm your selection and provide additional details about their offence when prompted.

This also informs the moderation team at Telegram. They will address the account and act on the behavior if it is a violation of its policy. No worries – Your identity is not disclosed to the public.
How to report a person in a Telegram group or channel?
Groups and channels are open to all users, and even though they represent the best of their communities, they still can contain scammers. Here’s how to report misconduct in these settings:
Step 1. Go to the group or channel where the violation was witnessed. Find the person with the offensive message and tap and hold on his text.
Step 2. Select Report from the menu. Provide the rationale for the report including frauds or obscene material. In case of necessity add more context or screenshots and submit the report.

Again, admins can address simple complaints but any severe violations should be addressed to Telegram. So, just follow this method if you’re unsure of how to report someone on Telegram.
How to report misconduct on Telegram by email?
If in-app choices are insufficient, one can email the Telegram support department, which also works fine. It is very helpful when it comes to reporting serious breaches. Follow these steps:
Step 1. Send an email with the heading ‘abuse’ to the following address: abuse@telegram.org.
Step 2. Conduct a thorough search that will involve including the offender’s username or phone number to the report as well as the screenshots.
Step 3. Clearly describe the issue. Brief but clear (for example, this particular user messaged me with a phishing link claiming to offer free coins.).
Step 4. Now send this email waiting for Telegram to reply to them.
Telegram’s support team analyzes such reports by hand, so this method can take a lot of time. However, it is good when the app’s report tools do not suit the problem at hand.
How to report someone on Telegram through settings?
It’s important to note that the Settings menu isn’t just a place where you can change your notification or profile customization settings. Instead, it’s another way to report problematic behaviour. Here’s how to report someone on Telegram through settings:
Step 1. Open the app and go to Settings on the Telegram application. That will take you to the Privacy and Security category.
Step 2. Click on Report Abuse. Detail the specifics of the issue.
This is a perfect option for users who want to receive the reports in a centralized manner without necessarily having to engage in chats.
What happens after you report someone on Telegram?
But when you file a report, the question that comes to mind is – what is next? As discussed, we can see that Telegram has mechanisms set out for users’ complaints management.
If you report someone on Telegram will they know?
No, the reported user will not know it. Telegram offers total anonymity to reporters, admins, and all participants in the group created. This confidentiality makes users free to report without any risk of being retaliated upon.
How do I know if a report on Telegram was successful?
Telegram often doesn’t respond with feedback for specific reports. However, there are tangible signs of success such as where an account has gone or where the messages have been deleted. In case of such serious problems, Telegram may offer a solution via email following up the conversation in the app.
How long does it take for Telegram to act on a report?
Response times also depend on the type of report to be made. Although certain misdemeanors may take several days to be dealt with, emergent situations (such as scams or threats) are usually considered quickly. There are two options to keep in mind if you do not get the results – either re-submit the report or email Telegram.
Can you report a person on Telegram from the desktop?
Yes it does, in the desktop version of the application there is an option to report misconduct. The process is slightly different from mobile apps but still straightforward:
- Click on the chat or group that has to be addressed.
- Click the right button of the mouse on the name of the offending user.
- Using the drop-down menu, click on Report.
- Select the reason for the report and file it in.
This continuity of the desktop interface holds most of the mobile aspects so that you can stay safe irrespective of the platform you are using Telegram.
Why can’t I report a contact on Telegram?
There are a few reasons why the reporting feature might not be available:
- Doesn’t violate guidelines: Some of the behaviors are irritating but they do not violate the terms of service of Telegram.
- Account restrictions: Some users, for instance, have a severely restricted reporting capacity, such as ‘bot’ accounts.
- Outdated app: In some cases, if the application is old, the reporting functionalities may be affected, and therefore, they might not work.
In such situations, email Telegram’s support team or download the latest version of your app.
How do teens report harassment or threats to protect themselves?
It is especially important for teenagers to find ways of dealing with their digital security, connected with searching for information on the Internet. Telegram is no exception, but teens can stay safe by using these strategies:
- Recognize red flags: Be on the lookout for people that you do not know who send friend requests or people that you may know but are up to something sinister. Similarly, avoid people sending you links or messages that make you uncomfortable.
- Use the block button: Blocking is the easiest and quickest way to get rid of a harasser.
- Report offenders: To escalate the issue, you follow the steps of reporting that have been highlighted above.
Parents can also play an active role by:
Relying on tools like FlashGet Kids and educating your kids.

Options like FlashGet Kids are a must because they act as an impenetrable barrier around your kids in the digital world. Its features like app blocker, notification tracking, and keyword alerts ensure that you’re always on top of your child’s digital life. This app will alert you promptly whenever your child is exposed to inappropriate stuff on Telegram or any other social app. So, if you’re worried about your child’s digital experiences, FlashGet Kids is a must.
More info: How to report a Telegram group or channel?
Sometimes, groups and channels may contain malicious posts. Here’s how to report them:
- Open the group/channel.
- Click on the three lines in the top right corner.
- Click Report and select the reason thereof.
- More details are to be provided, and the reports will then be submitted.
The Telegram team works proactively as it removes groups and channels once they are reported to have violated the set policies.
Wrap up
Just go through the guide above if you’re wondering how to report someone on Telegram. Regardless if it is scams, abuse or harassment, always taking action makes a huge difference. Employ these procedures in reporting individuals or groups meaningfully.
Don’t forget there is also a parental control tool “FlashGet Kids” that can help you keep your child safe on Telegram. It is quick to set up and use, and you’ll gain complete control over managing your child’s digital security with FlashGet Kids. Along with this app, every parent should try to report people with malicious intent because it makes Telegram a much better place.
Telegram does not notify any user when he or she has been reported. It’s completely confidential.
Open the chat, click on their profile photo, and you will see the option “Report.” From there, you can provide more details regarding the scammer and his intentions.
Indeed fake accounts can be reported under impersonation in the available reporting options.