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12 Roblox porn games parents and players should watch out for

Roblox is an online platform where people can play games and can also create their games using the Roblox Studio feature. Even though the platform was meant to be a safe and family-friendly space, some attempt to pervert this idea with Roblox porn games. For example, some games on it have content that is not ideal for kids and teens.

I am sure that none of you are willing to fall under the strange adult activities disguised as games. I’m writing this blog to tell you what to stay away from on Roblox. So, stay with us as we will cover 12 Roblox games that are pornographic and should be avoided by children and teenagers.

Are NSFW games allowed on Roblox?

Actually NSFW content in games that includes violence and nudity is strictly prohibited by Roblox’s terms and conditions. However, they allow content creation freedom, so there are cases of ill-intentioned players trying to deceive others by containing NSFW material within certain games.

That is exactly why you should exercise caution and refrain from participating in random games that offer “free Robux” or “secret content” since that is a surefire way to get scammed. You have the option to report any inappropriate content as well. By clicking on the three dots on the game page, you can click “Report” which helps make Roblox safe for everyone.

Additionally, any notification about derogatory games should be treated with caution. The best course of action is to ignore these messages or block the senders. Your privacy is important and Roblox will guarantee that you are well protected.

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Top 12 Roblox porn games

You love playing Roblox, but there are some games with features that breach Roblox’s community standards. While the platform tries as hard as it can to delete them, some of these games seem to exist from time to time. With that said, let me highlight some inappropriate games on Roblox and the reasons for you to avoid them.

1. Shedletsky’s Dirty Place

Adult humour is a touchy subject for some, and others think it should be approached with caution. However, this is not the case for Shedletsky who is among the most popular Roblox developers and decided to make this game as a joke. It did not have any legitimate gameplay; rather, it comprised strange objects, quirky scenes, and a plethora of hidden drips.

Why is Shedletsky’s Dirty Place inappropriate:

  • This game is filled with suggestive imagery and adult-oriented hints.
  • Encouraged adult discussions inappropriately.
  • Permanently deleted by Roblox.

2. Shower Simulator

Show stimulator as the name suggests lets you take showers in the bathroom setup. Although the game seemed to be harmless the theory behind was either a joke or a social experiment. However, some users take advantage of this environment for explicit role-playing.

Why is Shower Simulator inappropriate:

  • Unsafe behaviour was exercised by the players interacting without any regulations.
  • Some users indulged themselves in inappropriate chatter.
  • Due to violating many safety policies, this game was removed from Roblox.

3. MeepCity

MeepCity is the most popular social role-playing game where you can build your house, and pet and talk to friends. The purpose of the game is fun and simply lighthearted, but some places turned out to be havens for bad behaviours.


Why is MeepCity inappropriate:

  • Some players abused the party chat feature leading to inappropriate conversations.
  • Online dating (ODing) was quite common.
  • Due to security concerns, Roblox removed several functionalities.

4. Club Iris

Club Iris is a nightclub-themed dance and chat where you role-play with others. Moreover, it’s a game where students turn up and sometimes partake in bad behavior which isn’t acceptable.

Club Iris

Why is Club Iris inappropriate:

  • Some users partake in suggestive role-playing and online dating.
  • Some dialogues and emotes go beyond Roblox rules.
  • It has become a place where some players break community guidelines.

5. Sex Room

Sex Room is one of the most openly vulgar games on Roblox. As the title suggests, this game was solely for adult content and had no gameplay other than giving users the option to partake in dangerous behaviors.

Why is Sex Room inappropriate:

  • The title of the game indicates adult content.
  • It broke the Roblox community standards.
  • Any games like this should be flagged instantly.

6. Survive the Killer

It’s a horror survival game in which there is one killer, and all other players must run away, hide, or form an escape plan. While horror games can usually be entertaining, some of these versions went well beyond the bounds of violent and disturbing.

Survive the Killer

Why is Survive the Killer inappropriate:

  • Several versions were unreasonably violent.
  • Some character costumes were overly frightening for children.
  • Some users engaged in disturbing role plays.

7. Dance Club

Dance Club is a social game that features a virtual dance floor where you can join to dance to music and participate in dance competitions. While dancing is fun, the game can often serve as a host to inappropriate behavior.

Dance Club

Why is Dance Club inappropriate:

  • Some players use the game as a venue for online dating.
  • Certain dance movements are suggestive.
  • Chit-chat that often happens is very dangerous.

8. Bloxburg

Bloxburg is a life simulation game where you can build houses, have different jobs, and perform daily activities within a virtual environment. Although it is largely within safe boundaries, some users tend to abuse role-playing features which may lead to vulgar acts.

Why is Bloxburg inappropriate:

  • Some users create inappropriate role-play scenarios.
  • Online dating exists in some user-created homes.
  • Some conversations are of a sexual nature.

9. Roblox High School

In Roblox High School, you can attend virtual classes, socialize, and enjoy the school experience in a role-play format. However, some gamers use the game for inappropriate purposes.

Roblox High School

Why is Roblox High School inappropriate:

  • Some users partake in suggestive role-play.
  • Online dating and inappropriate behaviour are common.
  • The game sometimes caters to users who breach Roblox rules.

10. Brookhaven

Brookhaven lets players customize their avatars and interact with other players in an open world where they can buy houses, cars, and other amenities. Though it is one of the most played games on Roblox, some player behaviour is problematic.

Why is Brookhaven inappropriate:

  • Some users use the game as a platform to meet romantic partners.
  • Some in-game features allow users to role-play inappropriately.
  • Certain role-play scenarios involve dangerous themes.

11. Adopt Me!

Adopt Me! is a fun game that allows players to adopt pets, trade collectibles, and enjoy an artfully designed world. Keep in mind that some parts of the game are not harmful. But chat features can be exploited by some players to do harm.

Why is Adopt Me inappropriate:

  • Players lose rare pets when scammers trick them into giving them away.
  • Some adults take advantage of the game to interact with children inappropriately.
  • People sometimes make inappropriate jokes in the chat.

12. Kingdom Life II

In Kingdom Life II, you assume a character role in a medieval fantasy world. Thus, you design your character, fight in battles, and explore captivating lands. It’s such a thrilling concept to imagine. However, some players take advantage of and abuse the role-playing element of the game.

Kingdom Life II

Why is Kingdom Life II inappropriate:

  • Some users indulge in dangerous role-playing.
  • The game contains fighting and other violent scenes as well as adult content.
  • Some character interactions may at times be constitutively unsuitable.

Bonus: Should teens play games containing NSFW elements?

No, If you are a teen you should avoid playing games that contain NSFW (Not Safe for Work) content. Let’s discuss the reasons why I’m saying this;

❌ They expose you to harmful content: NSFW video games may feature nudity, profanity, or other inappropriate and disturbing content. Thus, it might make you feel uncomfortable.
❌They attract dangerous people: Some users play games with the intention of scamming, tricking, or even hacking other people. That’s why, they may steal your private information by sharing your unknown links.
❌You risk losing your account: As a security measure, Roblox bans accounts that break its rules. Therefore you risk getting suspended or permanently banned and losing all your progress.
❌They ruin the fun: One of the promises of Roblox is to make it a safe and enjoyable platform and these games seek to undermine that goal. Thus, making the experience dangerous for you and others.

Furthermore, studies have shown that when kids at an early age get exposed to explicit material, it can greatly affect their attitudes and behavior. So, avoiding porn games could help ensure a better online experience for kids and teens.

How to ensure safe Roblox gaming for kids?

Roblox is a diverse gaming platform with endless room for creativity, but safety should never be compromised. Some players attempt to send unsuitable messages or create problematic games, and you want to avoid those loopholes. In this section, I’ll share with you different methods that enable you to maintain Roblox as a fun and safe place to enjoy gaming:

i) Use Roblox parental controls

You know Roblox gives you a number of features to remain safe on the platform. For instance;

❖Enable Account Restrictions

Step#1) To do this, you have to open Roblox and Scroll down to Settings (gear icon).

Step#2) Then select Privacy, and turn on the option Account Restrictions to filter out violent and inappropriate games.

❖Adjust to Suitable Privacy Settings

Nest, under privacy settings you have to set chat, messages, and invites to Friends Only or No One. Thus, strangers can’t reach out to you.

❖Report And Block Problematic Players

Step#1) In case a player becomes problematic for you, click the three dots near their name for reporting or blocking the player.

Step#2) Choose Block so the player cannot message you anymore.

Step#3) Also, if the player does something against the rules or behaves badly, choose Report.

❖Set A Parental Control PIN

Lastly, you can also put a parental control PIN. Here’s how: Go to Settings > Parental Control and turn on the Enable Parental Control PIN switch, restricting safety feature changes to parents only.

ii) Implement third-party parental control apps

Additionally, I would recommend you install third-party parental control apps. But keep in mind that not all parental control apps are reliable and 100% ensure your safety. That’s why; here I have come up ith a 100% reliable and trustworthy app renowned as FlashGet Kids parental control app. This app acts as a virtual assistant for your parents providing them real-time updates about your online activities. Let’s see how it helps!

main features of FlashGet Kids
  • App blocker: This feature allows parents to restrict kids from playing inappropriate games.
  • Screen mirroring: FlashGet Kids also allows parents to see live what their kids are doing on their devices. For instance; what type of games they are playing.
  • ? Manage screen time: Kids may spend a lot of time playing Roblox games. That’s why owing to the screen time feature, you can set time limits on Roblox games. Thus, if your kids exceed the time limits, it will instantly alert you.
  • Usage report: FlashGet Kids also provides you with a detailed summary report of how much time your kids have spent on Roblox on a daily basis.


In a nutshell, Roblox is not intended for sharing porn games, but some of its users having bad intentions may share porn elements in the games making them inappropriate for kids and teens. However, Roblox has strict rules and regulations that allow you to block and report the game that you find inappropriate.

Apart from this, I would recommend you use the FlashGet Kids parental control app to ensure kids’ safety while using Roblox. The reason is that you can keep an eye on every action in real-time.

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kidcaring, Chief Writer in FlashGet Kids.
She is dedicated to shaping parental control in the digital world. She is an experienced expert in the parenting industry and has engaged in reporting and writing different parental control apps. For the past five years, she has provided additional parental guides for the family and has contributed to changing parenting methods.

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