FlashGet Kids FlashGet Kids

How to keep FlashGet Kids running in the background on Xiaomi?

Technically, it’s essential to keep FlashGet Kids process running on the background of the device because maintaining its usage works. Check this tutorial to keep your Xiaomi running in the background.

Enable basic permissions for FlashGet Kids

Kindly follow the guide when you open FlashGet Kids for the first time (turn on permissions which are needed).

What is FlashGet Kids for child and how to start using it?

Settings of your Xiaomi Device

Settings and paths might be different from those of your phone. The steps for different Android versions are below:

MIUI 14.x Android 13.x

1. Battery Settings: 

Go to “Settings” > “Battery” > “Current mode” > “Balanced.”
Go back to “Battery” > “Addtional features.”

  • Turn off mobile data when device is locked > Never
  • Clear cache when device is locked > Never
XIaomi MIUI 14 Battey Settings

2. FlashGet Kids App Info: 

  • Navigat to “Settings” > “Apps” > “Manage apps” > “FlashGet Kids.
Xiaomi MIUI 14 app info
  • Data usage : Turn on WLANMobile data and Background data.
Xiaomi MIUI 14 data usage
  • Notifications: disable “Show notifications
  • Battery saver > No restrictions
Xiaomi MIUI 14 notification battery saver

3. Unrestricted data settings:

Search and head over to “Unrestricted data” settings and enable FlashGet Kids

unrestricted data

4. Accessibility settings: 

Search and navigate to “Accessibility menu,” and ensure that the “Accessibility menu shortcut ” toggle is off.

Accessibility menu

5. Enable Open new windows while running in the background: 

Head over to “Settings” > “Apps” > “Manage Apps.” And then and find “FlashGet Kids.”

Find FlashGet Kids

Go to “Other permissions” from “FlashGet Kids” > “Open new windows while running in the background” > “Always allow.”

Xiaomi MIUI 14 Open new windows while running in the background

6. Enable Background autostart

Head over to “Settings” > “Apps” > “Permissions” > “Background autostart.” And then enable “FlashGet Kids” toggle on “Background autostart.”

Xiaomi MIUIx14 Background autostart
MIUI 13.x Android 12.x

1. FlashGet Kids App Settings: 

Go to Settings > Apps > Manage apps FlashGet Kids

Xiaomi MIUI 13 app info
  • Autostart: on
  • Notifications > Show notifications: off
Xiaomi MIUI 13 Auto start - notification
  • Restrict data usage > WLAN and Mobile data options: on
  • Battery saverNo restrictions
Xiaomi MIUI 13 restrict dara usage battery saver

2. Settings > Battery > Battery saver

  • Ultra battery saver: off
Xiaomi MIUI 13 battery saver settings

Switch off the following options:

  • Turn off mobile data when device is locked: Never
  • Clear cache when device is locked: Never
  • Battery saver: off
  • Battery drain notifications: off
  • Battery saver suggestions and warnings: off
  • Scenarios > Sleep mode: off
Xiaomi MIUI 13 battery settings 2

3. Battery > Automated tasks

  • From 00:00 to 07:00: off
  • When battery reaches 20%: off
  • When battery reaches 20%: off
MIUI 13 Automated tasks

Note: If you have run optimize, the system may change the relevant settings. Please kindly follow the instructions to do it again.

MIUI 12.x Android 10.x

1. FlashGet Kids App Settings: 

Long press FlashGet Kids icon, click App info (you can also open Settings > Apps > find FlashGet Kids), then you can start the Basic FlashGet Kids App Settings here:

Xiaomi MIUI 12 app info
  • Data usage: turn on Mobile data, WLAN, and Background data.

Note : You can also go to Connection&sharing > Data suage > FlashGet Kids to turn on Mobile data, WLAN and Background Data.

Xiaomi MIUI 12x data usage
  • Permissions: turn off “Permanent notification”.
  • Autostart: keep enable.
  • Notifications: turn off “Show notifications”.
  • Battery saver: select “No restrictions“.
  • Restrict data usage: turn on WLAN, and Mobile data.
Xiaomi MIUI permission notifications and restrict data usage

2. Settings > Battery&performance

  • Battery saver: ensure that “Battery saver” and “Ultra battery saver” have been turn off.

3. Battery

  • Automated tasks: ensure that “From 00:00 to 07:00” and “When battery reaches 20%” have been turned off.
  • Schedule power on/off: turn off “Power off time“.
  • Turn off mobile data when the device is locked: choose “Never.”
  • Clear cache when the device is locked: choose “Never.”
  • Battery saver: turn off “Schedule time to switch between modes.”
  • Disable Battery drain notifications.
  • Disable Battery saver suggestions and warnings.
  • Scenarios: turn off “Sleep mode“.

Note: If you have to run optimize, the relevant settings may be changed by the system. Please kindly follow the instructions to operate it again.

MIUI 11.x Android 9.x

1. FlashGet Kids App Settings: 

Long press FlashGet Kids icon, tap App info (you can also open Settings > Apps > Find FlashGetKids), then you can complete the Basic FlashGet Kids App Settings here:

  • Autostart: keep enable.
  • Permissions: turn off “Permanent notification“.
Turn off permanent notification
  • Notifications: turn off “Show notifications“.
  • Restrict data usage: turn on WLAN, and Mobile data.

2. Settings > Battery & performance > Battery saver

Ensure that “Battery saver” and “Ultra battery saver” have been turned off.


3. Battery

  • Automated tasks: ensure that “From 00:00 to 07:00” and “When battery reaches 20%” have been turned off.
  • Schedule power on/off: turn off “Power off time“.

4. Settings

  • Turn off mobile data when the device is locked: select “Never.”
  • Clear cache when the device is locked: select “Never.”
  • Battery drain notifications: off.
  • Battery saver suggestions and warnings: off.
  • App battery saver: find FlashGet Kids and select “No restrictions“.
No restrictions
  • Scenarios: turn off “Sleep mode“.

Settings > WLAN > Go to Additional settings > WLAN assistant, turn on “WLAN assistant.”


Note: If you have to run optimize, the system may change the relevant settings. Please kindly follow the instructions to do it again.

MIUI 10.x Android 8.x

1. FlashGet Kids App Settings

Go to “Settings” > “Installed apps” > “FlashGet Kids.” And then enable “Autostart.”

Xiaomi MIUI 10x Autostart

2. Go back to FlashGet Kids app settings > Notifications. Turn off “Show notifications.”

Tap “Restrict data usage” on FlashGet Kids app settings. Then, turn off “WLAN” and “Mobile data.

Xiaomi MIUI 10 x Notification and resctrict data usage

3. Battery & performance

Move to Settings > Battery & performance > Power > Power Usage. Turn off “Close apps consuming excessive power.”

Note: When you turn off “Close apps consuming excessive power,” “Optimize manually” toggle will appear.

XIaomi MIUI 10 battery saver settings

Tap “Optimize Mannually” on Battery usage > ”Battery saver.“ Disable “Battery saver.”

Xiaomi MIUI 10 battery saver

Tap “Automated tasks.” Disable “From 00:00 to 07:00” and “When battery reaches 20 %.”

Xiaomi MIUI 10x Automated tasks

4. Go back to Battery usage > “⚙️”

  • Turn off mobile data when device is locked: Never
  • Clear cache when device is locked: Never
  • Battery drain notifications: off
  • Schedule power on/off: Turn off “Power off time.”
Xiaomi MIUI battery usage

5. Go back to “Battery & performance” > “Choose apps” > FlashGet Kids > No restrictions.

Xiaomi MIUI 10 no restrictions

6. Navigate to “Battery & performance” > “Scenes” > “Sleep mode.”

Xiaomi MIUI 10 Sleep mode

7. Data usage

Go to Settings > Data usage > FlashGet Kids. Ensure “Mobile data,” “WLAN,” and “Background data” are enabled.

Xiaomi 10 data usage


  • If the “Turn on MIUI optimization” option has been enabled, please disable it. (Head over to “Settings” > “Additional settings” > “Developer options” > “Turn on MIUI optimization.”)
  • Background tasks like RAM and battery will take up a device’s limited resources. So, the Android OS system will handle the task killer when memory is low and doesn’t allow you or app developers to control the background task killer. That’s why we can’t keep FlashGet Kids for child service permanently running in the background.
  • Besides, the following special cases can also cause a connection issue:
    • Device power-off.
    • FlashGet Kids has been uninstalled.
    • The network doesn’t work on the device.
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kidcaring, Chief Writer in FlashGet Kids.
She is dedicated to shaping parental control in the digital world. She is an experienced expert in the parenting industry and has engaged in reporting and writing different parental control apps. For the past five years, she has provided additional parental guides for the family and has contributed to changing parenting methods.

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